Marka Ragnos (2)Full unit name: Ragnos, Marka
Last updated: 20.05.2024 12:12:09
Basic info
First appearance: Tales of the Jedi : Dark Lords of the Sith
Included into
Tales of the Jedi, Volume 2
Species: Sith
Sentient Species
Gender: Male
Died: Manderon Period
Manderon Period
Manderon Period (7000-5000BBY)
Known Facts (6)
Manderon Period (4) »
  • Held a rank of Dark Lord of the Sith in Sith Council
  • Died
  • Was a member of Force Spirit
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    During Marka Ragnos's funeral on Korriban, Sadow and Kressh fought a duel, each claiming he was more fit to be Sith Empire's ultimate ruler. But the spirit of Ragnos himself appeared, claiming a golden age of the Sith was coming.
  • Ludo Kressh, Naga Sadow
Duel between Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma (2) »
Marka Ragnos was a male half-breed Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Lord of the Sith
who lived during the time of the first Sith Empire
Old Sith Empire
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
, born long before 5100 BBY, and, around that same year, dueled Sith Lord Simus for the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and control of the Sith Empire. Ragnos defeated Simus, who was beheaded in the battle with the other aspiring Dark Lord. Ragnos lived for over a hundred years, growing in power, pitting his adversaries against each other and ensuring that there were no threats to his throne.
Following his death shortly before the Great Hyperspace War
Great Hyperspace War
Old Republic Era
, two powerful Sith Lords, Naga Sadow
Naga Sadow
Supporting Characters
and Ludo Kressh, fought each other to occupy his throne; Ragnos' spirit appeared before them and proclaimed that only the most worthy should succeed him.
Ragnos lived on as a Force ghost after his death, trapped within the confines of his tomb in the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban
. A thousand years after the Dark Lord's death, Exar Kun
Exar Kun
Major Characters
summoned Ragnos from his grave through the use of talismans. Ragnos crowned
Duel between Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma
Old Republic Era
Exar Kun as the new Dark Lord, with Ulic Qel-Droma
Ulic Qel-Droma
Supporting Characters
as Kun's apprentice, as an attempt to resurrect the lost empire thousands of years prior.
Thousands of years after the Sith Empire, during the New Republic era, the Dark Jedi Tavion Axmis made an attempt to bring Marka Ragnos back from the depths from the Force, using an old Sith artifact, known as the Scepter of Ragnos in order to siphon the Force from many Force Nexuses all spread across the galaxy, empowering the Disciples of Ragnos
Disciples of Ragnos
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
. Tavion's goal to resurrect Ragnos almost succeeded, but her operation was overthrown by the Jedi
New Jedi Order
New Republic
Jaden Korr, defeating Ragnos' spirit, and enclosing him in his tomb once again, where he was dragged back in the depths of the Force.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Old Sith Empire
Dark Lord of the Sith
Sith Council
Dark Lord of the Sith
Force Spirit
All characters this character met
Exar Kun
Ludo Kressh
Ulic Qel-Droma
Naga Sadow
Complete list

Full unit name: Ragnos, Marka Last updated: 20.05.2024 12:12:09